Monday, July 23, 2012

So hot...

We're slowing getting settled in down here. You know what I forgot about? How hot it is. Like, walk outside at 9pm and still get shocked when I step out into a sauna. Good grief.

The missus and I are frantically searching for jobs, and as a bonus (and a little bit of a negative) I got accepted into school! Yay! Boo! (I'm only sad about this because I have an interview for a full-time job on Thursday... *sigh*) But I'm excited (and terrified) to start school, I'm so ready to get that under my belt and have a valid career option. It's going to be a hard couple of years, though. It's going to be great, the kids are going to love it.

In the meantime, we're unpacking boxes. Ish. Ok, we've unpacked, like, 5 boxes. There are too many boxes. How many times can I say boxes? Boxes. See, it's not even a word anymore. Other than that, we're settling in pretty well. This town is just great (though hot, but we have air conditioning,) and we're getting to hang out with old friends, which is great.

Anyway, here's hoping we finally unpack and we find some jobs. :) Yay! We can do it!

...... yeah.....

Thursday, July 19, 2012

At last.

That drive was so much longer than google said it was going to be. Rude. But we made it, eventually. We're unpacked (by unpacked I mean the truck is unpacked, not the boxes) and trying to settle in. Did you know there's a Mordours pizza?! I know it's not spelled the same, but we got it anyway. How can you not try a pizza that sounds like it was baked with the fires of Mount Doom? Search me.
Our place is not near as bad as I was expecting. In fact, I quite like it. Now the missus and I are beginning the job hunt, which is not at all terrifying. (Lies)

PS- Batman is tonight!

PPS- Rick's Bakery, the gods have blessed them. I mean, look at that cupcake.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Today is the day.

It's almost 7 am and the missus and I are on the way to get the moving truck. I'm still in denial.

Update: Still denying....

Update: A little more believable. Thanks to our awesome friends, we finished loading the truck in about 2 hours. Totally ruined my Free* Pizza and Beer. :)

Update: Parting is such sweet sorrow. The words that were written many years ago express more than I ever could. We said our see you laters (it won't be goodbye) and we're finally on the road. We're leaving some great friends and people behind, but doing our best to stay excited about what's ahead.
Arkansas, here we come!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

The preparatory phases.

Testing out the sedatives before the big move. They work! :((:


"We're moving back to Arkansas!" I exclaim to everyone. Wow, 16-year-old me is absolutely glaring. I never, in my wildest dreams, would have believed that once I left that state I would willingly go back. Gladly, in fact. Such is life, full of all sorts of surprises.
We're bring our time in Lancaster, PA to a close. It's been awesome, our last day of work at The Fulton was Friday the 13th (nothing bad happened :) ) and now we're continuing the packing/organizing/painting the damn walls back the color they were originally process. I'll post pictures of the truck! (Which will hopefully have all of our things in it instead of just most of our things.)
It's bittersweet, this. I'm really excited to move back to Arkansas (OMGs I can't believe I'm saying that, again) but I also grew to love it here. Our dear friends, market, turkey sticks, seeing Amish people ride by on those bicycle-scooter contraptions. *sigh* It will be missed.
Despite my trepidation, I believe this is going to be a great thing. We're moving close to some great friends (though we're moving away from great friends,too) and we'll be closer to family. I'm excited for my "new start".
Let's do it!