Monday, July 23, 2012

So hot...

We're slowing getting settled in down here. You know what I forgot about? How hot it is. Like, walk outside at 9pm and still get shocked when I step out into a sauna. Good grief.

The missus and I are frantically searching for jobs, and as a bonus (and a little bit of a negative) I got accepted into school! Yay! Boo! (I'm only sad about this because I have an interview for a full-time job on Thursday... *sigh*) But I'm excited (and terrified) to start school, I'm so ready to get that under my belt and have a valid career option. It's going to be a hard couple of years, though. It's going to be great, the kids are going to love it.

In the meantime, we're unpacking boxes. Ish. Ok, we've unpacked, like, 5 boxes. There are too many boxes. How many times can I say boxes? Boxes. See, it's not even a word anymore. Other than that, we're settling in pretty well. This town is just great (though hot, but we have air conditioning,) and we're getting to hang out with old friends, which is great.

Anyway, here's hoping we finally unpack and we find some jobs. :) Yay! We can do it!

...... yeah.....

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