Sunday, July 15, 2012


"We're moving back to Arkansas!" I exclaim to everyone. Wow, 16-year-old me is absolutely glaring. I never, in my wildest dreams, would have believed that once I left that state I would willingly go back. Gladly, in fact. Such is life, full of all sorts of surprises.
We're bring our time in Lancaster, PA to a close. It's been awesome, our last day of work at The Fulton was Friday the 13th (nothing bad happened :) ) and now we're continuing the packing/organizing/painting the damn walls back the color they were originally process. I'll post pictures of the truck! (Which will hopefully have all of our things in it instead of just most of our things.)
It's bittersweet, this. I'm really excited to move back to Arkansas (OMGs I can't believe I'm saying that, again) but I also grew to love it here. Our dear friends, market, turkey sticks, seeing Amish people ride by on those bicycle-scooter contraptions. *sigh* It will be missed.
Despite my trepidation, I believe this is going to be a great thing. We're moving close to some great friends (though we're moving away from great friends,too) and we'll be closer to family. I'm excited for my "new start".
Let's do it!

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