Sunday, August 26, 2012

Keep on keeping on

Got the first week of school under my belt! It's really strange being back in a university. I know that I've only been out of a college program for only a year, but it feels much longer. I'm really thrilled to be back in, though! Programming is already awesome, I'm ridiculously excited that I can make a square. It's silly. Anyhow, not much else to report, I'm hoping to get some substitute jobs soon, the missus is enjoying her job. Looking forward to week number two! (And, I did all of my trig homework by myself. (In case you don't know, that's impressive.))

Oh! We have started our film education! We have a couple of friends here who are pretty knowledgeable in the film department, and we have "assignments" we have to complete for them, which is basically the best homework ever, seeing as how it's just watching movies. :)

Still settling in, it's finally cooling down here, (thank the gods) and life is pretty good.

PS, I forgot to mention the newest member of our family! Witch Hazel Rayne

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

A bone to pick...

Dear gentleman I overheard outside of a gas station in Little Rock,

I've tried really hard to let this go. I really have, I've given it some time, I told myself it didn't matter. But it does sir, it does. Listen, this might come as a shock to you... well, I can't just jump right into this. Maybe you need an explanation? Ok... You make us sound stupid. I can accept warsh. (That's a lie, I really can't, it's wash, bitches,) but when you talk about this kind of stuff, well, it's some pretty serious shit. Listen, maybe it's the way you've always heard it, or whatever. I know, it's hard, but it's nuclear. New-klee-ur. You see what I'm saying? When you say new-kew-ler it makes you sound like a douche. Seriously. You're making us look bad. And I know, I know, "What about metathesis?" Well, I don't care. It sounds silly. That just tells me that you're lazy. This is why people think we're stupid, ya'll. (<-- semi-acceptable, southern colloquialism)

It took all of my will power to not go over there, slap you right in your new-kew-ler saying face, and tell you the correct pronunciation. Now, don't get me wrong, this pronunciation is in the dictionary, but only as a metathesis, not the proper pronunciation. Maybe this is just a me thing, and that is highly possible, sir. If I've stepped on your toes, I sincerely apologize, but please, listen to reason. Do you know how many countries made fun of us when Bush was president? Just because he sounded uneducated? It doesn't matter if you're the smartest man in the world (he's not), if you don't sound like it, then you won't be perceived that way.

I'm glad we cleared that up. Hopefully, we can see eye-to-eye on this. I'm sure you're a nice man, but you sound like an ass-hat. 

A concerned Southerner